

  • You are an inspiration, thank you. I have over 100 pounds to lose as well. You are right, it is all about walking away from what you want and taking only what you need. Congratulations, thanks for sharing your victory. Hopefully in a year I will be able to share mine as well.
  • I am not a fan of artificial sweeteners but will tolerate Splenda(Diet Coke come w/Splenda) as does Diet Rite. For other things I like Stevia as it is from a plant. As with everything though, diet soda in moderation is the way to go.
  • Feel free to add me. I have also done the low carb, the high carb, the high protein, the low protein, the vegetarian, no fat, low fat, high fat, good fat...... uhhggg.... you get the idea. Ya know what I learned??? I eat to d*** much !!! Very simple, smaller portions more frequently. I am borderline diabetic and Taco Bell…
  • 6 weeks and 1 day.... not that I am counting or anything. Strange thing is, after the first 2 weeks, I no longer even find the thought of Taco Hell or Booger Fling appetizing at all. We are trying to eat real food instead of processed fake stuff so maybe I am gaining better habits as well.