Kellelami Member


  • Mine isn't showing up at all. Disconnecting and reconnecting isn't even solving it!
  • I'd love some Fitbit friends - inspiration and friendly competition!
  • Love the app recommendations - thank you! I`ll definitely be looking into stronglifts 5x5!
  • I have the same issue! I can eat perfectly during the day and be completely satisfied with what I`m eating, but come night time, all bets are off, and it all goes downhill very, very quickly! I truly admit that for me it`s a combination of boredom, being tired and bad habits! I`m going to be working on trying to tame the…
  • I love the honesty in this! I sometimes think, why am I bothering, nothing´s happening! Then I smack myself, realise it`s been three days, and it`s going to take me to longer than three days to get where I need to go lol OP - thanks for the post - straight up, no pandering but motivational nonetheless.