tpavur88 Member


  • I have PCOS too and have only felt good and lost weight on Paleo. My fiance and I were trying to get pregnant for 3 1/2 years before I started eating Paleo. About 6 months later I was pregnant. Good luck! I just started eating Paleo again and hope to lose 120 pounds.
  • I am 39 weeks pregnant and can't wait to start t25! It will probably be a few weeks (3-6) before I actually start, but I'm pumped! I gained 50 or so pounds during pregnancy and was way overweight before. I'm looking at 300 lbs before delivery, so I'll probably be around 285 lbs when I start t25. Any tips or tricks? :)
  • Hi, I'm new to this site. I joined 3 days ago. I would love to be in a support group on here or something. Congrats on losing the 70lbs. You will get there again. I am trying to encourage my fiance to eat healthier too, so I made him a profile on here as well. Feel free to add me.