

  • Best bet, see a nutritonist and ask them. That's what I did and she said I am doing well !!! Also, If you are constantly hungry or for that matter, not hungry, you should really see a nutritionalist and it will be a more personally effective.
  • Yeah, I finnaly got the Zumba Exhilarate!!! I also took my first local Zumba class that just started in town and it was so nice to have a space bigger than my tiny living room and be with other people! What fun! The sweat just drips from the ends of my hair! lol. I lost four inches in about five days! wow, That has never…
    in Zumba Comment by Anndrea08 April 2012
  • Exercise, eat healthy, gain muscle loose fat ! It is nice to have a soup like this on hand for days you don't have time or you worked extra hard! This way I don't over eat. But I would NOT just eat this. I know it is really frustrating to work sooooo hard and look at the scale and barely see a change but if your working…
  • I measure most things I eat because I want to be as accurate as I can. I actually think I underestimate my exercise times because I don't want to over estimate! whew, That being said, most days have many calories left over. They are exercise calories. I am always full after I eat and when I go to bed!! I have been losing…
  • Oh my gosh! Im sooo jealous! I want to go to a zumba class so bad! I tried my friends Zumba fitness for the wii and i hated it. I keep dropping hints to my husband(ok, there not really hints lol) to buy the dvds we always see on tv... I would definately prefer the motavation of a class much better! Will it be worth the…
    in Zumba Comment by Anndrea08 January 2012
  • Hi, I agree! where can I find a HRM monitor? My local walmart? Thanks ;)
    in Zumba Comment by Anndrea08 January 2012
  • Hi, That sounds like a nice change from the cabbage fat burning soup that I found on gets old after awhile)lol. It's so nice to have a low calorie but vitamin packed "filler" with dinner. It's only 80 calories per 2 cups and only 10 grams of fat. I always wondered if adding or changing the spices add…
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