BassetsareAssets Member


  • I just reread your post and saw you were a new metformin user. It will take a few weeks for your body to adjust to the medicine. It does get better in time, I promise! I've been in it 5 years and as long as I avoid my trigger foods (found over lots of trial and error unfortunately) I feel pretty good and my sugars stay…
  • Glad to hear you are on the extended release. My "trigger" foods for tummy problems are as follows: ice berg lettuce, rice, pasta, any kind of bread if not eaten with protein, baked potato, French fries, fried fish, really anything fried, cake, cookies, really any dessert with a crust. However, ice cream for some reason is…
  • Have you tried the extended release version? I had the same "issues" with the regular metformin. The extended release causes much less intestinal distress.
  • Shaving, waxing, and plucking here. I hate it too and feel your pain.