

  • OK, I will try to reply politely, unlike some. Good job on the weight loss. It's a slow process. I have the same problem you do. I've always had runners calves but I've noticed that with my weight loss, my thighs still have that serious flab and excess skin. That will only tighten up with time. Just keep working on the…
  • Yes, that is what I have figured. Tomorrow is grocery shopping and I need to add more fats to my diet. Any suggestions as what to include? I'm new at the eating for weight loss. I'm good at healthy eating but not the specifics.
  • I did up my calorie count this week and hmmm... seems I've gained weight. I am seeing muscle tone so that is good. I need to not worry so much about the weight right now and work on an exercise plan that shows inches. My goal is to be strong and healthy. When the weight comes off, it will.
  • I have problems eating up to the 1200 calorie mark, much less 1886 calories per day. Sigh
  • I will agree with the obesity aspect of Diet Coke as my ex-mother-in-law drank only Diet Coke and she weighed over 400 lbs. That and the aspartame is horrible for your body.
  • You have to remember that just because something is "high" in calories doesn't make it a bad thing. Quinoa was important to the diet of pre-Columbian Andean civilizations.[15] Today, people appreciate quinoa for its nutritional value. Quinoa has been called a superfood.[14] Protein content is very high for a…
  • Yes, that's the first thing I cut out. I work nights so my eating is different from the normal world. Feel free to add me as I'm on here daily. Good luck with your journey. :smile:
  • Please make your own "baby carrots". The ones prepackaged are actually soaked in bleach to "preserve" them. That is why after a while they start to turn white. I know it's a little more work but SO much better for you.