

  • btw ignore the scale! you are not overweight! your body comp is fabulous and therefore the references for bmi and such do not apply to you! :D Best wishes to you!!!
  • YOUR goal is to look as you do for the rest of your life! And yes anyone that is giving you a hard time is simply putting their insecurities on to you -- easier to knock you down than to work on themselves. You have obviously put a lot of hard work to be as you are -- even if the outside was not your goal. Fit is the new…
  • Whatever shake you do, just make sure it has no artificial sweeteners, no soy, and the whey is as such: and if you are a fitness pro and dont know who wrote this, you arent a pro..... just sayin' :D
  • ON? LOL
  • "The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about." - Wayne Dyer The only way to have a valid opinion is to try it. If it works for you, keep doing it. If it doesn't, then don't. I believe it has a 30day guarantee. Try it, then you will know. Asking people that havent done something…