

  • general "rule of thumb" is to dress for 20 degrees warmer than what it is... that should guide your choices and prevent over-heating
  • there is NO research anywhere that will support skipping breakfast! NONE! So dont do that. Try to get a balance of protein, carbs, fiber and fat - yes fat. You need some. I usually have one of the following: english muffin with peanut butter english muffin with egg white, and turkey sausage and cheese (lean cuisine makes a…
  • Good Work on running! The calves are a big reason why we have the ability to run, so sore calves is not necessarily bad. I agree with stretching, but also just the use of those muscles in a new way will add to the soreness. How long did the soreness last? When you say sharp pain, do you mean a shooting pain like a cramp?…
  • I can tell you that the answer is most likely NO. I've been running for over a year as my goal to lose weight and increase fitness. I take measurements all over - thigh, hips, chest, arms, neck, etc. My thighs havent lost much if at all since running. I run about 20-25 miles per week and strength train as well, so maybe.…
  • I've been a user of the fuelband for a year. I loved it and still kinda like it. I am almost to a 1 year streak. The problem I have is that I am on my second fueldband, and it looks like I will either need a third one, or just call it quits. The first one just stopped working, no reason why, no answer either. Nike replaced…
  • Doesn't the pebble watch use bluetooth? that would likely cause a faster drain, especially if you keep your screen on while using RunKeeper.
  • I cannot say enough great things about RunKeeper. There are tons of great features and if you were to upgrade to Elite (very nominal fee for a year) you get even more! The GPS is pretty accurate, their customer service is top notch, and the features are great. The website companion expands what you can look at even more as…