

  • You are not dealing with the elements (wind mostly) on the trainer so you calorie count will be lower. And raising the resistance on the trainer is not the same as climbing either. Get a heart rate monitor and use those numbers instead. They are certainly more accurate than any online estimator. Don't sweat the numbers…
  • Google "bodyweight exercises" and you'll find more info than you could ever use. Here is the first thing that came up for me: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/at-home-workouts-0
  • You need to go ride the route on an off day to see how long it actually takes. Then you need to factor in some extra time to deal with rush hour traffic going to work and riding home. A 3 hour commute is a monster commute on a bike. So many things can go wrong in 3 hours. Flats, weather changes, rush hour traffic idiots,…
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