You have all given such great reasons to finally draw a line in the sand and say "enough is enought" that you have inspired me to actually post my story. :) My main reason for wanting to lose weight has to be my two boys. I have always been active in sports and have been a volunteer coach for everything they do, be it…
Stay away from soda, even the diet ones.... I still have to have some coffee on the way to work so I don't feel like killing someone when I get here... haha Great job...
Neither one is gonna be right as it depends on the individual but I would go with the reading on the bike as it appears to be more realistic in my opinion
They cerainly are not the best option for you as they are high in sodium (usually 1/3 of your daily allowance). But I find them to be a better option in the workplace then say "ordering out" or "fast food" for sure. Best thing would be for you to prepare your own lunch the night before and take that to work :) Good Luck