

  • I get the same thing when I tell people I weight 200. "No you don't." "Oh yes I do" "No" "Um I think I know what the scale says when I step on it thanks". I guess it all depends on your body composition. Height, muscle etc. My brother is a personal trainer and explained to me that there are also two different kinds of fat.…
  • I LOVE her site! The dark chocolate chip oatmeal cookies rock! The skinny italian meat balls, cuban black beans, pork carnitas, loaded baked potato soup, etc etc etc!!! YUM.
  • I've done WW online and it worked for me at first, but then I hit a wall. I switched to this site and lost a few more lbs(then fell off the wagon but am back on now) WW is good if you already have the motivation or if you go tot he meetings to get motivation. I didn't go to the meetings and I think that's why I didn't do…
  • If it's mostly skin, it's going to be hard to get rid of. Take vitamin E and also rub vitamin E on your belly. If it's just excess chub like I have as well, just keep on keepin on!