

  • I think my problem was getting too hung up on numbers and percentages. But I tried to quantify these things because everything I have are just rough estimates and after training for a bit, even small changes over time make a big difference so I wanted to be really efficient and not waste my time.
  • Oooo thanks~!
  • So then, is there a ballpark range of carb/fat % that can maximize muscle gain but minimize said fat gain?
  • I chuckle too because I don't understand where your logic really comes from. If you could explain scientifically that'd be nice. So yes, we mutually agree a caloric surplus will lead to WEIGHT GAIN, of course. But I ask you this- 2 people both at 1800+ caloric surplus from their daily caloric needs, both exercise…
  • Thanks, this post was really informative and helped me a lot. But seriously, I'm just trying to learn as much as I can here. So if you would be so kind as to post things that are relevant I'd appreciate it.
  • so "dirty" would be a large caloric surplus? How much of a surplus would this be considered if u were to give it a ballpark range? And if this bulk were "clean" would that mean although there would be a surplus in calories, the weight gained would be mostly from muscle? Also, what would be a realistic body fat percent to…
  • ^im sorry but i disagree with your "clean/dirty" bulk definition. Yes, a surplus is a bulk regardless but clean/dirty isnt from the amount of surplus but rather where they come from. I.e. if you are at a 500 calorie surplus but most of it is from fat/carbs that would be considered dirty. Well, at least this is how I…
  • Summer's just around the corner!! I'm tryin to get to 8% bf idk where I stand now, maybe 10% on a good day.
  • "Lots of protein, limited carbs" is a very subjective sentence, no offense. Unless you know your caloric intake and the grams of proteins/carbs you are in taking a day, it is VERY easy to under/over estimate both- I know from experience. This reason might be the key to your goals. But, if you are on the right track as you…
  • As a physical therapy student, I see the firsthand results of obesity. It's awful I am not going to lie. What does give me hope is that you, unlike many I've encountered seem genuine in wanting to change and that is the biggest step. You have to want it like you mean it and everything from then on is just a matter of…
  • One bad day wont really affect your gains much. I'm sure everyone goes through these bad moments, the way I see it is-why make your day worse by eating terrible and feeling terrible, shameful and guilty afterwards? Just use that emotion at the gym, push that extra weight, run that extra mile, or if you're gonna have a…
  • maintaining weight would be to keep your calories where they are- based on your daily needs. However, to build muscle you need to give your body what it needs to build that muscle which is protein. So increase your protein intake while cutting out carbs and/or fats. So basically, keep the calories the same, just change…