

  • I have a Nike App on my phone - usually 45 mins, sometimes 30. always before 6.30
  • That must have been awful for you, and it will take a little while for those feelings and sense of injustice to pass. I would write a letter to their head office expressing your feelings. Then put it away until the next day and re-write it taking out the raw emotion and so it does become a more 'professional' response. The…
  • Zucchini Tapas Slice Zucchini (we call them courgettes in UK!) into 3/4 inch slices on a diagonal. Rub them witha little salt and olive oil. Grill them on a ridged pan so that nice blackened lines appear. Turn them over and do the same. This takes more time than you'd think! Then drizzle them with honey and mix with thinly…