

  • I HATED oatmeal till I discovered steel cut oats. Red's is my favorite. They are nutty and delicious. Don't buy the quick oats or the artificially flavored crap. With the steel oats, I put a smidge of brown sugar, cinnamon, the teeniest drizzle of light cream (not even a spoonful), and some almond slices. Sooooo good!!!
  • LOL, ok, thanks Melissa! I'm new here this week - didn't realize this was a hot subject :) Thanks again.
  • what works for me is weighing every morning. If I get a good result, it motivates me, if I get a bad result, it motivates me more.
  • Not sure how to take some of the comments - I won't apologize for struggling with this. Everyone has their own struggles. No one would be here if they didn't, correct? Mine is water consumption, and I shouldn't be made to feel guilty because some countries don't have clean drinking water. Some also don't have clothing, but…
  • Thanks for the replies! well, I lost 33 lbs. 5 years ago without drinking plain water. But now I am 5 years older, and the weight just isn't coming off. I was drinking the MIO until my cleaning person told me it was one element away from what she uses to wash my floors. Then I went to Crystal Light ice tea. Which I liked,…