Orson1981 Member


  • This is absolutely fantastic, you look amazing! and congratulations on stick through it. That old deadline you set doesn't matter at all, as I think you are well aware, the fact that you've stuck with this for a year does matter. Good luck in reaching your goal(s), whatever they may end up being, I'm rooting for you!
  • I'm pretty disappointed with my Surge. For most things it is great, however, it doesn't record cycling. I bought it specifically to use the GPS while cycling, which I thought would be neat. For now I'll continue to use it, because it is really a fine piece of work otherwise, but I suspect I'll try to sell it on ebay once…
  • That is a pretty creepy gif.
  • First thing I did when I started last month was to cut out soda and juice from my diet. As any of my housemates can tell you, I was addicted to fruit juice, I would drink about a gallon a day if I could find someone to take me to the store often enough. I occasionally drink a diet soda now, but I try to even stay away from…
  • Truthfully Rich, I have absolutely no idea how to balance carbs. Which I guess that isn't completely true, I know how to add and divide, and I know how to read, so at least in that respect I could do a balance. However, I have no ability to plan meals, which makes planing a balanced diet very hard. Right now staying within…