acdork Member


  • Well done! Tomorrow is Day 8 for me as well. I'm not too angry yet...well, there are certain times when I'm so tired of hearing her say something, like the "can't we just do bicep curls? No you cannot!" part. On the other hand, I smile every time I see Natalie (is that her name?) skip two lunges and just do the bicep curl…
    in 30DS Comment by acdork July 2013
  • I took pictures and measurements this morning and just did Level 1 for the first time. I felt okay cardio-wise, but my arms are not keeping up! I couldn't even do girl push-ups for the full two sets (had to skip a few and do some leaning on a desk). My plan is to continue level 1 until I can do every last bit, at speed,…
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