also, the accidents came from eating too much fat. Alli works by trapping the fat and it comes out in the form of oil. If you eat more than the diet plans says even once you will mess your pants! lol
I used alli when it first came on the market because it was "safe" (so they said) I ended up at the docs with some heart flutters. Had to wear a moniter for a few days. when I cam off the alli they stopped right away. I did loose some weight on it but it did not agree with me and I felt it was not safe to take anymore
The prediction changes all the time due to your days calories. It says "if every day were like today, you would way..."" but everyday is not the same. I just stick to my daily calories and it works!
I love the kens light accent in the spray bottle. Honey mustard is the best flavor. I also use it on baked chicken. great on baby spinach with tomatoes.
I have been having a great time using Just Dance for the wii. Gets me sweating and I am loosing weight. The way I see it is if your moving, it's better than sitting on the couch!! I have fun with it. No waiting for the game to load, keeps my attention and I can do it with the kids. You just hold the clicker and mimic the…