akirla Member


  • I'm 5'1 and have about 45 lbs left to go. I'm very supportive and log in everyday. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi Everyone, I'm 5'1 and looking to get to be around 120-125. Currently I'm 167 and also looking for supportive friends. Feel free to add me.
  • I am not a morning exercise person. I've got to be at the office really early and I find I loose too much sleep if I try and work out in the mornings. At the beginning of each week I set an exercise goal. I really enjoying going to classes at the gym. Spin, BodyPump, Yoga. I check the schedule and plan my week around it.…
  • Alexander Skarsgard for me! I have Swede dreams every night. I was just at the True Blood panel at San Diego Comic Con. Had a blast.
  • I am currently being treated for Hypothyroid. It took about a month for my levels to go back to normal on meds and then I was able to start loosing weight again. So hang in there.