

  • IMHO this is one of the only sites where I've read about this whole starvation mode thing. I'm wondering if it's just to try and stop people from losing too much weight, too quickly and thereby affecting their health? This site doesn't want to look like it's "promoting" eating disorders and stuff? In 2008 I lost about…
  • Over two weeks I've managed to lose a human head... :frown: Nice!
  • Hate it! I find it almost suffocating when it's this hot and it's so muggy and sticky. I might enjoy it more if I was thinner and could wear "proper" summer clothes (i.e. shorts, vests, etc.), but I don't feel I can wear this sort of stuff at my current weight. But anyway, give me winter and minus temps any day!
  • Thanks for your reply! Yes, I will still need my carbs otherwise I'll eaither go mad or relapse and go on a 3,000 calorie binge. Been finding recepies for healthy pizzas and healthy(ish) garlic bread. They all look a bit boring though! Oh, well, better than nothing I suppose :smile: