

  • I have a similar condition, (now for more than three years). My stomach becomes very big within seconds. Sometimes all I have to eat is an spoonful of food and I will have a big belly like magic. This swelling subsides in few hours on its own. I find it very hard to eat anything out of fear of this reaction. Doctors say…
  • My trainer gave me two tips about the form maintenance: 1. Always do proper functional stretching of legs (e.g., swinging them forward, backwards, sideways) for few minutes prior to attempting Squats, 2. One must push-up from the heel when you are standing-up after the squatting position. To ensure that I am actually using…
  • My close friend suffered from thyroid issue for 5-6 years. She started gaining weight despite doing exercise, taking medication and diet control. Finally she was advised to try Mind-Body medicine by her doctor in the US. She consulted doctors here (see link Apparently, Meditation (chakra…
  • Hey Lisa, Welcome to the Forum! I am also in the same boat. I joined yesterday in order to remain motivated. I can already see the benefits of an online food diary using myfitness platform--- it is far more convenient for me to see how I am eating. I am not too sure about the cumulative calorie count suggested by the…
  • Thanks, @1ZenGirl! Many Congratulations on getting nearer to your goal. I need to lose ten kilograms in all and maintain that. After six months of determination, I have now become better at exercising without whining (I joined the gym in April,2013), but I undo my good work by improper diet over the weekends I am trying to…
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