dizzydomino37 Member


  • First and foremost for me, it's all about health and being able to be active with and just being there for my three year old little guy. I feel sad that I was a bit of an embarrassment to my oldest son who is now 22 while he was growing up. There of course is a vanity factor, it's nice to see less blubber and more muscle…
  • www.theproteinworks.com are great. I use their whey protein 80. It comes in loads of good flavours and is the most reasonably priced I've found so far. They are an absolute pleasure to deal with too and that helps a lot in the grand scheme of things. Hope that helps!! BTW it's 99 cals a scoop and is delicious with almond…
  • I love red bush tea (rooibos) It's lovely and full of anti oxidants so really good for you. I rarely drink regular tea these days, red bush is my hot drink of choice :smile:
  • Fantastic post. Just what I needed to read as I'm struggling at the mo. This has made me feel so much better :smile: