

  • Aren't vege chips high in fat??? Is there a particular brand that is good?
  • ****! I am still smoking but have go the nicotine patches ready and now having joined this programme I can replace ciggies with healthy food and exercise??? And hopefully svelte new body? lol
  • Please add me to your friends list!! Need encouragement as have 4 weeks to try and shift some weight, as performing at my Dad's upcoming birthday party, and then the rest to lose. Happy to support others . Cheers
  • Hi Melissa, I have just joined for the first time and also looking for support!! Please friend me. Brilliant you lost 30 lbs! Incredible. And only gaining back 7 is pretty remarkable. You shouldn't be to harsh on yourself as you have lost such an incredible amount. But good to get back on track again. I have recently added…
  • Hi Rhia, I'm a newbie to. Have just had a cup of coffee and a banana and just about used days calories!! lol Obviously am going to have to cut sugar from coffee which is a biggie!! Feel free to friend me to. what country are you? Cheers HellBabe:smile: