

  • @ForMyTwins - Consider a mid-day protein bar or protein powder mix as a supplement. I find these very helpful because it allows me to take in additional protein without a large food item... such as ANOTHER piece of chicken or fish. :)
  • Feel free to add me. Glad to support. :)
  • This is almost exactly how I eat. My breakfast tends to be between 200-300 calories (bowl of bran flakes with skim mile and frozen fruit), my mid-morning snack is between 100 - 150 calories, my lunch is around 300 calories (solid sized piece of protein - fish or chicken - with a vegetable, fruit and small starch),…
  • Hmmm... are you stretching before you run? Do you have high arches in your feet or no arches (flat footed)? I would suggest checking out a local running clinic and have a profession review your stride (watch you run) and see if they can pin-point anything that might be leading to the pain.
  • Anything processed is generally a bad bet - deli meat, frozen foods (yes, even the frozen chicken breasts, turkey breasts, etc. are injected with a salty solution..). I recommend purchasing meat directly from a meat market/butcher to avoid added salts. For stuff like salsa/guacamole, whip up your own batch - really easy,…
    in Sodium Comment by skl1986 February 2011