

  • an 8oz cup of milk :cry:
  • I can't really say forget what he says, because he is your husband. But, if he is going to keep acting like that you are going to tell him how you feel about it if you haven't already. Remember this is for you, and you have to block out everyone else.:smile:
  • Dagnabitt. Thanks.:grumble:
  • Thanks for the site. I was looking for something like this.:flowerforyou:
  • :explode: :mad: What I don't understand is when you put in how many reps and sets you do, its like nothing was done. Do you not burn any calories by doing abdominal crunches or something? Advice.
  • The thing about cocoa butter that gets confusing is that you have to use pure cocoa butter. All of these lotions and etc. that say it's cocoa butter in it... isn't really pure cocoa butter. And pure cocoa butter is really expensive. I heard maderma was good, but also the person that mentioned olive oil is right, you just…
  • It's all right. This is a place just to be yourself. Advice would be to slow down I guess. I don't know really. :tongue:
  • Bumping this recipe up. Sounds magnificant and is a cheap meal. Making it tomorrow. I think everyone should try this one.:flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker: :drinker: :smokin:
  • What do you do when you don't have a scale to weigh in. What happens say if I get a scale in a month. THen there is a 5 week gap of where I haven't weighed in. Will that alter affects in any way?
  • Well, I don't want anyone to laugh or judge, but I woke up craving chinese food, so there was some left over sweet and sour chicken. There was like to pieces of chicken and a cup of fried rice. I don't know. I was just really craving it.:sad:
  • Ask them kindly if they wouldn't eat so much of the stuff in front of you. Tell them what you are trying to do, and see if they would be so kind to just go to another room... and if that doesn't happen, then remove yourself from the situation.
  • The best diet soda that I have found that is better then everything out there is DIET PEPSI MAX there are literally nothing in there but ginseng and caffeine. On the other hand caffeine is not good for you, but it has no calories.
  • I am a big fan of alternative medicine. I found this web site that gives a list of different herbs that are supposed to curb cravings, suppress appetites, etc.
  • I know this is irrelevant. But I always wondered what that button was. I haven't been logging my days in, guess I will now. But, along with our question. I really don't have an answer for that sorry:cry:
  • I wanted to know how bad coffee is for you? My fiancee drinks folgers columbian coffee and I have gotten addicted to it with a lot of creamer and a little sugar. And on the can there are no facts on how many calories are in it. I have a feeling that I shouldn't be drinking it, but it is so darned good. And I drink it when…
  • Welcome. This is a great place to find encouragment when times get rought and tough. Hope we help you.:flowerforyou:
    in New. Comment by kmjgrant March 2008
  • WoW!!! 7 cheetos. I ate 13, which is a serving and I enjoyed every bit and didn't feel guilty maybe I should. But, hey just enjoy it. 7 is nothing.
    in PANIC!!!! Comment by kmjgrant March 2008
  • It's okay!!! You are allowed one cheat day a week. And you are sick, so it doesn't even matter. Don't feel bad about it. Just enjoy it, and when you get better just get back on track.:drinker:
  • Thanks you guys. You all really helped. I'll take what everyone said to heart, and have that to try and help me. And thank God that Spring is almost here. this week here is supposed to be in the 60's. So yay!!!!!:love:
    in Failure Comment by kmjgrant March 2008
  • Thank-you. I just don't like to walk in the cold and then come back in the house and my lungs are burning. But, I will try to turn it around. Thanks for the wisdom and the advice.:flowerforyou:
    in Failure Comment by kmjgrant March 2008
  • It'll get better. You have the drive this week to make sure that you won't let the scale go back up, and that is all that it takes.
    in bad week Comment by kmjgrant March 2008
  • I got up this morning and wanted to walk, because I haven't walked in the past two days because it has been cold, and I have asthma, so it isn't really good. Well, it might be good, I just don't like my lungs to burn. And I didn't walk this morning, so I decided to exercise in the house. Man, I couldn't even finish it. It…
    in Failure Comment by kmjgrant March 2008
  • Since I started my diet 5 days ago. My fiancee keeps telling me that I need to eat. I am just to scared o eat. Like my calorie intake is at 1,540. And I don't even eat a thousand a day. I just have this big fear that if I eat a little more, I will gain a whole lot of weight back. I have always gained weight from eating…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am proud of you. Keep up the good work. You can do it.:flowerforyou:
  • I am really proud of myself!!! I actually got off of my butt today, and did three laps around the park in front of my house. I have never really been able to motivate myself before to get up and actually walk and be motivated at all. I just want to thank the people here for motivating me. I really took to heart what…
  • Thank you for the words of wisdom peejbp. And thankyou everyone else for being so welcoming... I guess that is the work.
    in I'm new. Comment by kmjgrant March 2008
  • The "BMR" is in the tools section in the upper right hand corner. It just calculates how many calories you would lose... I think if you sat in bed all day.
  • Hello!!!:wink:
    in Hi! Comment by kmjgrant March 2008
  • Congratulations on losing 2lbs!!! That is really awesome. I am new here as well, I just wanted to congratulate you on your success!
  • Hi. My name is Krystal and I am 19, and I weigh in at approximately, 270 pds. I have had real problems with my weight my whole entire life... I sound like I have been alive for decades, lol!... I am trying to change my life around. I have heart issues in my family. My father has a pace maker in his chest, and my mother,…
    in I'm new. Comment by kmjgrant March 2008