

  • A lot of protein comes from meat and my school doesn't make much of it. And when they do, it tastes really horrible. The only thing they make that is good is the turkey and they only have that once in a while :/ I'll to eat more peanuts or maybe invest in some protein shakes.
  • Haha, yeah I'm eating enough. One of my old managers from my old job once told me that in order to stay healthy, you have to eat like a baby every 2 - 3 hours. Just small things, like some carrots or a few crackers in between the big meals like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I eat breakfast every morning because I know it…
  • I've only been "dieting" if you'd like to call it that for about a month and a few days now. I'm just impatient. haha I know I don't drink as much water as I should. I should probably have 4 - 5 bottles of water daily, but I only drink about two. And would green tea really work? Because I LOVE tea. Sooo much. I've tried…
  • Well, I just think of how uncomfortable I am with my body, especially my tummy. So even when I'm too lazy to go to the gym, I make myself go. Then I feel absolutely wonderful! Exercising is my favorite, although at times I'm too lazy to actually walk to the gym. And when it comes to eating, I still eat what I want. I just…