Are you drinking plenty of H2O?
Much of the time when you exercise you are building muscles and muscles weight more than fat, but you should lose inches.
Just back from a short weekend to see two of my grandsons in Nashville, Tn. got off my good eating, now back home.
My name is Mary Jim--- Two first names:happy: Home is in lower Alabama
Hi, this day number five for me. I support you and you can help me.
I love watermellow. Living down in the southern states, they are available everywhere. I cut my mellow, scoop the goody out in cup fulls and store in fridg; when I want a snack, I get one to two pieces out and store the other away.
Working together we can reach our goals. Don't give up.:smile:
keep up the good work on your A1C. Don't get discouraged.: :smile: