oceanaim6 Member


  • Hi! My name is Aimee. I'm a single mom with 3 kids. I swore I would never weigh more than 300 pounds, but here I am. Two years ago I lost over 60 pounds on a super strict low-carb diet. I gained it all back plus some. I've always been a "big girl" but I've reached an all-time high after having a thyroidectomy 2 years ago…
  • Congrats on your success so far. Keep it up. I have 100+ to lose. I've always been a "big girl" but I've reached an all-time high after having a thyroidectomy 2 years ago for thyroid cancer. I'm too young to give up yet and I'm afraid if I don't kept trying I'm going to be a housebound person who won't be able to fit…