

  • For me breast feeding was the best and easiest way for me to loose weight. I had gained 50 pounds during my prgnancy and just about lost it all within the first 6 months just by breastfeeding, taking the baby on 30 minute walks in the stroller, and just getting back to healthier eating - the nausea made me crave red meat…
  • Thanks to both of you... it's sadly comforting to know that other people here struggle with this as well. Unfortunately, setting time aside for myself is one of the last things I get to do since I am a working mother of a two year old and married to a husband in the military who is pretty much always at work. My husband…
  • I have been on here for the past 3 weeks or so, so I am not exactly "new" but this is my first time posting because I think I am ready to admit it to myself that I may need a little social support. The first week here I did great, I logged everything that crossed my lips. Keeping track of my food helped me to not snack in…
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