llhenley Member


  • :smile: :wink: :happy: Good for you! 7 pounds is totally possible. I went on the South Beach and for 15 days I lost like 12 pounds. I was not starving at all, not hungry all the time, and once I got rolling I lost 65 pounds. Off course I have gained 25 back over the last 3 years, but I am trying again. Good for you! Keep…
  • I find that when I have too many straight carbs, like bread, pasta, sugar I am tired. If I stick to high protein, vegetables, dairy and drink lots of water I have alot more energy and of course 8 hours of sleep really helps. Good Luck! Lisa:smile:
  • Welcome.:wink: I haven't lost any that I have kept off but I always come back to this site when I start to get serious. If I only could stick with it. :ohwell:
  • No kidding. My kids candy is all over the place from halloween. I have gained 3 pounds since Halloween. Stay strong. You can do it. I haven't eaten any today. Thank goodness.
  • Hello, I weigh 150 pounds too, have three kids and am looking to get down to 135. I thought the picture you had posted was you. I would like to look like that too. Lisa
  • Hello, I am new too but so far love this webpage, really helps with keeping track of what your eating and doing for exercise. I have 20 pounds to loose. Good Luck to you!
    in I'm new Comment by llhenley March 2008
  • :smile: I really like this diet devotional writing. It is very encouraging and takes the focus off of our bodies and puts it on him, which makes you feel more uplifted. Thanks, Lisa in Maine where spring is never going to come!