Maura2389 Member


  • Hi Amy, my name is Mattress abbr I've been keto on and off for 4 months now. I've lost about 20 pings but my mother has lost 40. Keep it up!!!
  • Thank you for sharing as there are many of us larger bigger people that are trying to achieve massive amounts of weight loss and need the encouragement and proof that it is actually able to be done. :) Keep up the good work. You are truly an inspiration.
  • Hello everyone, I have been obese my entire life even as a little kid through high school and college. I am now a mommy of 1 hyper, amazing little girl and am struggling to keep up with her. I have done diets my entire life and was very active in sports growing up. However, I never really understood the connection between…
  • Hey I have 100+ lbs to loose as well. I have been dieting and non dieting for the past 3 years and could also use some motivation and friends to help along the way. It is hard and I almost always get discouraged and give up. This time though I am trying to have a lifestyle change instead of just dieting alone. Hopefully it…