markjacobs1987 Member


  • Exactly this. Just plan out your day and do your research on the foods you have available that are lower in fat content and plan your day around it. I used to live at the dorms for a semester in college so I know how that goes. When I was there they usually always had healthy options so just look out for what options they…
  • Definitely! Looks like you're on the right track and doing great! Keep it up.
  • Here's a good resource on body fat As for scales sometimes they can be off and it's not uncommon to see 2 different scales give you 2 different weights. Also if you are getting body fat % from a scale those aren't always accurate. You should be using…
  • I would try changing your eating habits to 85% healthy and 15% splurge and see how that works. You might also want to try lowering your fat content a bit to see if that helps. As for if hormone changes are having an impact you should ask your doctor and see what they say about that. Depending on how many calories you are…
  • Any type of foods are fine really. As for macros I would go with a higher carb intake. For calorie intake just start slowly adding calories until you hit .5-1lb gain a week. I'd add no more than 100-200 additional calories every 3 weeks until you find that sweet spot where you gain 0.5-1lb a week.
  • This is perfectly normal. What's happening is that you're gaining muscle and losing fat. Muscle is more dense than fat so that's why your weight is not changing. If you are losing inches you are losing Body Fat %, and you are on the right track. The scale can be an evil thing sometimes.
  • The high sodium might cause an impact with not losing. Protein number should be fine. As for fat intake it depends on how much you're going over. If it's just a tad bit it shouldn't be a problem. If you have a high fat amount that would be a factor. Try to hit your calorie goal as well. If you're below it try to be close…
  • Well if you have been eating at low calorie amounts start eating more calories and work on reverse dieting. This video is a good resource on that Hope this helps.
  • If you're doing the same thing over and over try switching it up a bit. If you go to a gym that has classes that's an option. Home workouts are another option. Find a way to make it fun and you'll stick with it. Tony Horton's youtube channel is a great source for free workouts you can use to switch it up. He posts a new…
  • The real key is to just start increasing your calorie intake. If you are gaining .5-1lbs a week you are on track. If you maintain or lose at your current calorie amount you need to increase your intake. Slowly add calories until you find the sweet spot where you can gain weight at a healthy rate. Hope you have a speedy…
  • I'd be more than happy to help out. I'm also working towards gaining.
  • Eat big + Lift big = win. Is there any other question you have?
  • I would say this is something not normal and you need to work towards upping your calories. Now don't try to force yourself to eat, because forcing it when you feel nauseus or sick to your stomach you run the risk of vomiting which is not good. Just slowly increase your calories until your body handles it. If you're eating…
  • You might just want try some yoga or pilates for a while or other low impact exercises while your leg heals. Try the elliptical and see how that works if you still want to workout your legs. There's nothing wrong with taking it easy to heal up an injury. Also have you considered focusing on upper body while your legs heal?…
  • If you aren't sore after lifting weights you should increase how much weight you lift. As for a routine just try to do a good mix of lifting/strength and cardio and alternate between the two (ex: 3 lifting days, 3 cardio days, 1 rest day)
  • Yeah I'd say either grilled chicken or fish would probably be your best bet. If you have salad be careful with the dressing, because sometimes those are high calorie and high fat at restaurants.
  • First I want to tell you to be REALLY careful with low carb diets. Carbs are important and provide fuel for your body and they are not something you want to get rid of or eat a very low amount of. Your carb percentage should be no lower than 30%. As for fats there's plenty of good options. Olive oil, meats, avocado, nuts,…
  • I do all my workouts at home and there's some great stuff out there. Tony Horton's youtube channel has free workouts there that you can try and he posts a new one every week. Also beachbody DVDs are great. I have personally used T25, P90X3, and Body Beast and have loved all of them.
  • I would definitely up your calories. 1200 is really low and gives you nowhere to cut from if you plateau. If you have been going up to 1400 and losing a ton without exercise I would try going to 1600 calories. Also I would add exercise as well as that's going to help you get stronger and more fit. Hope this helps!
  • For free stuff Tony Horton has a bunch of free workouts on his youtube channel. Autumn Calabrese puts up free workouts on youtube as well. For DVDs that I have personally done I really like T25 and P90X3.
  • I typically don't count green vegetables because the calorie amount is so low it's not going to really make a difference. Other vegetables that aren't green vegetables I would log.
  • If you are looking to lose weight then yes you'll want to eat at a calorie deficit. If you're just looking to get toned eating at maintenance will probably get you where you want. It really depends on what your goals are.
  • Lean meats are a great way to go (ground turkey, tuna, chicken, etc.). If you want to supplement then protein bars and shakes are good as well.
  • Sounds like you're doing great! Losing 1.5lbs a week is a good rate to lose at (you should be losing between 1-2lbs a week) so you're right on target! Drinking water is always a good idea so absolutely if you think you need to drink more than do that. Other than that sounds like you got everything going right. Keep…
  • As long as you are eating at a calorie surplus I don't see why not. Should be fine.
  • Pretty much what Max said and you'll be fine. Set a calorie amount to eat at for 2 weeks and stay consistent with it. If you gain 0.5-1lb a week you're in good shape. If not then you increase your calories gradually until you find the amount that works.
  • You can add me. I'd be more than happy to motivate you.
  • Sounds like you might need some more proteins during midday. Your midday sounds pretty carb heavy. Adding ground turkey to your pasta or having a protein bar as a snack could help you out.
  • Realistically you can look to gain between 0.5-1lbs a week. Anymore weight a week than that and you'll be adding extra body fat that you don't want. As for tips it's pretty much as you said with increasing your calorie intake. Stay consistent with your calorie intake for 2-3 weeks and adjust your calories to the point…
  • Lean meats such as chicken and ground turkey are great for foods. I also eat protein bars that help with the protein numbers. As for drink a protein shake will help out.