

  • It's only for a 3 day period. I also weigh 210, and I've read plenty of other guidelines that suggest 1 oz of water lbs of body weight is appropriate for people who are training.
  • MFP grossly understates the calorie expenditure that resistance training adds. There is much out there on EPOC (Excess Post Excercise Oxygen Consumption) I.e., afterburn effect. The long and the short of it is that the more oxygen you consume, the more calories you are burning (this is corresponding, not causal). All the…
  • Absolutely add protein, I have the same issue with straight oatmeal. About 2 Tbls of peanut butter is usually enough to curb the hunger (or any other kind of nut butter can help). For a leaner and quick source of protein you can do a protein shake. After that you should be almost stuffed. 300 calories is most likely not…
  • It's natural for the body to gain weight while working out. It's not just growing pure muscle mass. It's your muscles storing more glycogen/ sugar (which they need for energy when you work out), that also means more water. If watching the scale everyday motivates you and you can keep the small ups in perspective, then…