amelia325 Member


  • I can't believe the post backing his GF, saying she doesn't advise her husband how to eat for his condition! That's your husband! Don't you think you should at least TRY to help him deal with his chronic health issues! To me it seems neglectful to not support a healthy lifestyle and to influence/advise it when there are…
  • It sounds like a good program for a lifestyle change which is what being healthy is all about! I like the way it doesn't just say calories in/out and it actually incorporates and promotes healthy habits! If that is what you feel is best for you - do it! That is a big commitment of a program to sign up for and you are right…
  • My husband and I have both had the conversations many time about what we are "going to do" to lose weight together. And most of the time, it didn't happen. You can TALK about it all you want, and yes she should keep her word... it's one thing that she is trying to back out of the agreement but it is really messed up that…
  • Hi Robin, I'd like to send a request to you to stay accountable since we have similar goals/activity level
  • Name: Amelia Age: 26 Start Weight: 219 (april 2014) Current Weight: 214 Goal Weight: 140 Activity Level: Desk job... walking (goal of at least 1 mile a day), bikram yoga (1-2 week), gardening daily and I also want to add in daily elliptical machine use
  • congratulations on your weight loss so far! I have a similar goal and like that you work out minimum 6 days a week. i will send a friend request to you
  • it is hard! just keep tracking your food and activity! it really will help you stay on track!
  • i don't weigh myself regularly but will make sure to in 1 week and the goal will be to have at least lost 5 pounds! I have a challenge to replace one meal a day with a salad which has helped staying under my daily calorie goal so easy!!
  • i am tied to my desk all day too... i try to walk around my building 3 times a day (takes 7 minutes to do one lap around my building which is 1/3 mile). Also I brought in some 2 pound dumbbells and i do little arm excersizes with them. Just being active in any way/shape/form is going to help, even if it's not walking. Even…