

  • I agree with the "see a doctor" recommendations, too. There are lots of entrees from restaurants on MFP. I usually search for restaurant name and general entree description (taco, spaghetti, etc). If it's not an exact match, you can find some chain restaurant information on the web and add the calories yourself. Eating out…
  • Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary! You look amazing - your hard work and dedication are showing. (Your expression shows how great you feel, too.) AND ... You've just inspired me to get my **** back together after a very lazy week. Thanks! I needed that.
  • DEAD ON!!! Time for you to upgrade. :happy:
  • Start now. Muscle revs your metabolism and may help you drop weight faster. Be sure to eat enough protein so you lose fat, not muscle. AND (best of all) it's really FUN!! Lifting keeps me motivated. I complain about the weight my trainer chooses when I'm lifting, but it's actually pretty cool when I think about what I've…
  • Congratulations on the fitness and the new baby!! You look amazing!! Best wishes to you all.
  • Congratulations! What an amazing transformation. Your confidence shows in your expression now. LOVE IT!!
  • FANTASTIC!! Thank you for sharing!
  • Don't worry about time - You're running!! That's the important part because you weren't doing this before and that IS progress. Also, make sure you're giving your body good fuel to run (good nutrition) and listen to your body. :smile:
  • I was in the same position - exhausted. My trainer put me at 1,600 calories per day because I was too low. (I'm in the gym 3 days/wk lifting and 2 days cardio, around an hour each time. I have a desk job and am a student - so lots of time sitting when I'm not at the gym.) Keep everything balanced between protein, carbs,…