

  • Thanks for the welcome! --Wag--
    in New guy. Comment by louwags July 2013
  • I just got lambasted by a know-it-all the other day for keeping mine below 70 (when I'm doing it right). This thread leaves me feeling quite vindicated! For what it's worth, I don't trust dieticians very much at all. They're like accountants: you ask ten of them the same question and you get 10 different answers and none…
  • What I've been noticing is that if I fuel my workout with a high-quality light, low-carb snack just before the workout, I get a reduced BG reading. If I don't fuel it, my liver fuels it for me and far more aggressively than necessary. Dang liver only comes with an ON/OFF switch and no volume control! :-) Usually, I work…
  • Here's a thought for you: Way back when, I was making a cheesecake that was very diabetic friendly. I made a crust strictly from finely crushed pecans and butter. Then the simplest cheesecake recipe I could find that was just mix and pour without having to cook it. The trick, of course, is to use Splenda and while I'm not…
  • Hello. Just started using MFP a few days ago mostly just as a tracking tool. Reading this thread got me to thinking about some of the things which I've learned about T2 which worked for me. I was diagnosed about five years ago and for a while, I had my BG and weight under very good control. I think that what made it work…
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