

  • I know, right! I have tried to like Green Tea, but I just don't. I'm much more into black teas. I've also noticed that green tea is harder on the stomach when you haven't eaten in a little while. Is it more acidic? I might just be more used to other teas. I really like Jasmine teas, though. They have a lovely smell and…
  • People need to be cautious when doing new exercises. P90X is way too difficult for people out of shape. It is much more appropriate for already athletic people that want to take things up a notch. However, I will defend P90X. If you use common sense and appropriate weight, it is a great work out system. Tony tells you all…
  • I think giving them 2 years to meet requirements was quite diplomatic.
  • I know a lot of people are upset by this article. I see it as a reality check. If there are really enough kids/adults involved with the BSA that are morbidly obese to prompt this extreme of a policy, it proves there is an obesity epidemic in the US. Like we didn't already know this. I do feel sorry for the people the BMI…
  • I checked on this, a BMI over 40 puts you in the "morbidly obese" category or 100 lbs or more over your ideal weight range.
  • Hi everybody! Motivation is a tricky thing. I have actually googled how to get motivated before while in a slump. I've read numerous articles trying to find my inspiration. Well, maybe I internalized some of the stuff I read, but I don't know that it helped all that much. Really it's up to you to devise a plan that works…
  • I don't think this is a very healthy topic at all. We shouldn't encourage bragging about self destructive behavior.
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