

  • I wish you the best on your journey. Feel free to add me.
    in Newbie Here Comment by mjlebsa June 2011
  • Nope. It's a good idea & it gives you the feeling that you're not depriving yourself.
    in "Free Day" Comment by mjlebsa May 2011
  • Awesome! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Don't worry. Your weight fluctuates based on changes in body water, the contents of your digestive system, and the level of glycoguen in your muscles. Stay positive & keep it up.
  • I’ve been a long time dieter & I’ve lost weight lots of times….several times over & I’ve had to reprogram my thought process about food. Finally, I figured it out & after two years I went from 225 to 177 and maintaining. After reading two good books & FINALLY learning it’s not dieting, but rather a good sound nutritional…