I usually go with a friend although we don't chat it up, we might talk in between sets here and there or in the locker room. Usually have music in but great for motivation and a spot if needed.
Anyone here have 1000lb / 454kg total?
Gonna test my dead max once squatting 240lbs for 3x5.
They have no power over your sucess - honestly ignoring them is the best idea and if you're pretty frustrated you could simply disprove them, because both you and them know the truth that You > Them.
Useful tool:
16 M Training for powerlifting, on SS, did multiple routines in the past figuring out what I wanted, etc. Currently cleanly bulking.
"A community focused on educating and supporting each individual's aspirations in physical fitness through the use of training and nutrition."
Somewhat of a dirty bulking utility for people without a high level of meal frequency and aren't worrying too much about watching macro nutrients or people on a cut. Inspired by a post already on /fit/, modified it as to how I see fit... A little annoying getting all the ingredients unless you stuck up and preserve them…