GatorUA Member


  • Hi everyone! I'm Vicki, I'm 54 and past the worst of it. I feel you on the occasional but horrible periods in the peri-m stage. I had them and it was awful and a mess, besides being unpredictable. I'm happy to have that behind me. I did a little bit on the estrogen patch. I didn't like the way it made me feel, so I went it…
  • ok you'all, I just ordered my first DVD from Amazon. Hopefully I can watch it on my wii to my TV. I'm ready to walk inside when the weather is crummy. Wish me luck!
  • How's your stress level from other things like work, family, etc.? Sometimes, in my experience, stress and drama can sideline any amount of motivation you might have been working with. Sometimes doing something different helps get you back on track, mixing up a routine type of thing. Wishing you the best!
    in Over it Comment by GatorUA April 2014
  • I'd lay off the bread don't know how the GMO wheat is affecting you. Unless you can find some that is all non-GMO and organic. Non-organic bread and wheat products bother me on my best days. :( Hope you feel better!:happy:
  • There are many more university and hospital studies that say the opposite. Plus, you have to find out who funds that magazine and who funds the person or organization that wrote the article. There's a lot of money spent every DAY by the cattle and dairy industries to discredit people who promote not eating their products.…
  • I did WW for years with my hubby and this is better plus it's free. WW if full of gimmicks like points which are just ways of calculating calories, and "free and 0 point foods" which are high in vegies and fiber but aren't free of calories. They're in business to make money, that's why they do what they do. Their meetings…
  • I'm the same way, a huge stress eater. I'm in grad school and working. When the work is especially difficult or I have deadlines that stress me out all I want to eat is total crap, especially carbs. I don't want to eat healthy, and I am hungry even when I have just finished eating. When I'm in the middle of writing papers,…