GatorUA Member


  • I get that way when I consume oils. I saute without oil, using broth or water. I use only olive oil and grapeseed oil when I have to, and then in exceedingly limited amounts. Oils and fats go right through me. I consume as little meat as possible, lots of fruits and veggies, I eat organic chicken and some fish, no added…
  • I went ahead and signed up for the program and I have to say that I really love it. On those days where there's only like a 10 or 15 minute core training I try to do a 10 or 15 minute walk as well because I'm just starting and it's hard for me to get through the entire core training. Thanks for letting me know about it.
  • I have so many DVDs but the monthly calendar might get me moving more.
  • 4 pounds is great for a month's time. But the forums are full of haters and negative people. If you posted the loss on your friend feed and got negativity, then it's time to weed out the negative people in your friend list. Our friends lists, to my way of thinking, are people we can support and cheer on, not take down with…
  • Me too!
  • I love the "IQ test" aspect! That's great!
  • I also decline friend requests without any note or message. All the person has to say is "I saw you on a thread, or hello," or anything. Then once I friend them and I can see their profile I look it over in terms of compatibility so if someone is very opposite who I am, I will unfriend them, but it's very rare for me to…
  • I think what a lot of people do is to have a goal for their weight loss. When they reach it, rather than adding in the appropriate amount of calories and still tracking, is they think "I'm here, I can do what I want" so they eat a lot more, and exercise a lot less. I've been down that road a couple of times over the years.…
  • I think everyone is different but I usually lose less if I eat less (I eat 1200 or thereabouts when trying to lose) when I don't have time to exercise. When I do exercise I still usually try to eat about the same amount of food but if I am hungry (so far, that has not been the case) I will eat a little more. Years ago I…
  • I tried it, hated how I felt on it, and decided to change my diet so I wasn't eating hormones from animal foods anymore. That did the trick and I went through 90% of the big M without. I'm post-Menopausal now and have no trouble. Everyone is different, but until I finally got over the "just one _______won't hurt" I would…
  • We all wish losing it was as easy as putting it on! Well said. But I have those fluctuations as well. And what people have already said about sodium, water, exercise, poo, time of month, etc. are all reasons that we fluctuate. Look back over a month rather than a week, and you'll see a downward trend if you keep doing the…
  • I feel you. I moved across country for a guy that I should have seen was not worth my time or a second look. All of the warning signs were there but I didn't have enough self-confidence and feel enough self-worth to accept it at that time. We were together for a long time, too long, and it was pretty awful. He gained as…
  • People fear what they don't understand. They fear anything out of their comfort zone. They might even try to make you eat meat and cheese by having more of it around and cooked for you when you're around. And if they're more on the conservative side, they see you as a liberal tree-hugger hippie freak sometimes. My in-laws…
  • That's so sad. She'll probably be looking for a magic pill that will make the weight fall off next. And we all know that's not going to work any more than continuing her eating habits and not exercising would. You are brilliant because you've realized that unless she owns the cause of her weight, she's not going to look…
  • I do eat 1200 a day. And I'm not hungry, in fact, some days I just don't want any more food that I've already eaten and I'm under my calories so I have to look for something else to eat. And I'm losing weight very steadily since I started tracking. I'm eating 500 calories below my BMR and 25% below my TDEE, so I'm supposed…
  • I bought mine on Amazon. It's probably as cheap as Wal-Mart and I'm a prime member so shipping was free. Still, even if you have to pay for shipping, it keeps you from having to go to a Wal-Mart. That's a plus right there. :)
  • You want more protein and fat? Um, can't help you there because I always lose when I watch my intake of those things. And I can't get MFP's goals to adjust to the percentages of protein and fat that are healthy (in my opinion, and based on science for a vegan).
  • Jeremy, are you trying to eat more to eat your calories or eat less to meet your calories? I wasn't sure. And it would kind of depend on which for my response. But I don't know so I'll guess. I have trouble meeting my calories each day because the foods I eat are low in calories but I feel full and feel great. I do eat…
  • I'm not here to get into a pissing contest, but I love it when someone says "well that's been debunked" and leaves no citations or source materials. Here's further information if you want to educate yourself further. The China Study "debunked" website (and BTW anyone can start a website) has also been "debunked" by such…
  • Have you seen the documentary "Forks over knives"? It has a lot of really interesting information from a 30 year study called "The China Study" and is basically the study results in an interesting form. The study was undertaken independently by two doctors who then put their findings together. They weren't funded by any…
  • I'm on 1200 calories and honestly, it's rare for me to be hungry at the end of my calories. I think a lot of it is because I'm careful to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, the rest of it is probably because I eat low-fat vegan now. I get plenty on my plates, plenty in my belly, and it's all low calorie stuff, I get…
  • Fantastic! The greatest journey begins with the first step, and you've taken it by joining. Just track all of your food (if you bite it, write it!) and make sure you're getting a handle on how much of whatever food you log is in your servings. Just becoming aware is half the battle! Try to get out and move every day even…
  • I eat vegan, but it's very possible to be a fat vegan! I'm proof. Now, I have cut out fats and oils, and bakery type stuff as much as possible, and I'm being so much better about sticking to cooking at home and eating a lot of fresh fruits and veggies so I'm losing steadily. I feel great, and I have no problem sticking…
  • Sean, do you weigh yourself at the same time each day, preferably first thing in the morning? You'll have the least water weight swing then. But don't let the difference bother you, it's all about the downward trend. That's why a lot of people only weigh themselves once or twice a week. The water helps make all of your…
  • If I have a cheat meal/day I'm more likely to continue to eat things that aren't good for me. Plus, then I'll have to work harder to burn more calories to get back where I was before the cheat. Why should I do that to myself? Even though we usually go out one evening during the weekend, I still try to make good choices and…
  • I saw the question about how many calories...I looked at her website and she says a normal mile on her DVDs is about 100 calories, those miles where you're running some of it are about 150 per mile. I have only done the first mile on my DVD but I entered 100 calories in my exercise log.
  • I did my first Leslie Sansone walk yesterday and I'm hooked! I can't wait to order some of the other DVD's. They'll be perfect for when the weather is too bad to walk outside. I bought the "Ultimate Collection" Walk away the Pounds. What would you'all recommend for my next purchase, or two?
  • I shop at Save A Lot for some canned goods and paper goods. They're on the way to other places so I don't make a special trip there. There are few name brands but a lot of their brands are made by the big companies. I shop at the Asian market "Lotte" for spices, lentils, beans, and all my fruits and veggies. They're half…
  • I have a fitbit "one" and I can't speak about the other products. I love it. It easily clips into anything I'm wearing. I have a friend that has the bracelet version of the fitbit and loves it too, but I don't always want something hanging on my wrist. I like the fact that it synchs up seamlessly with MFP and does so…