Fitbit vs. BodyMedia Fit

Good morning everyone,

Hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday. I was looking into purchasing one of the above to help me track the calories that I burn through out the day. If anyone owns one, what are the pros or cons of each? Which one do you prefer? Likes/dislikes? Any information would be a great help. Thanks! :smile:


  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I would love to know to as I have been looking into something like this.
  • ChubbyInHeels
    ChubbyInHeels Posts: 24 Member
    I just ordered a fitbit Ill let u know in a few days :)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Having used both, my opinion:

    BodyMedia -
    Annoying to wear. It even looked weird under long sleeve, my suit jackets. I would never wear it with a tank top or strapless dress. That was the worst bit.
    You have to pay to access your data after the initial subscription expires.
    Syncing with the iPhone sometimes worked but often took re-pairing/shutting down/etc. Maybe this has improved.
    I had to plug it into the computer to retrieve the data - again, maybe this has changed.
    I liked the website interface a lot.
    Basically impossible to lose because it's so big.
    No display on the device itself - super annoying to have to pair it with the phone or website to see how many steps you've taken.

    Fitbit One -
    Tiny and concealable in any outfit - I clip to my bra when I'm wearing a dress or skirt. No one ever has to know I'm using it.
    Perfect sync with the iPhone.
    Cordless sync with the computer.
    I wish I could view more data, like hourly information, more easily on the website.
    Website to access data is FREE forever. There is a premium option I've never used.
    Easy to lose because it's small.
    Only needs a charge about every two weeks.
    Has a display so you can see steps/cals/etc even if you're not near a phone or computer.
    Excellent customer service.

    I have worn both devices at once, and the calorie burn from each was nearly identical. I obviously chose the Fitbit. I used my Bodymedia for like a month before my hated at wearing the stupid thing made me take it off and look for something else. I've used my Fitbit daily for almost two years. Fitbit has replaced one I washed, and one that broke, and sent me a new clip - all without charge.
  • sunitar292
    sunitar292 Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you that was actually very helpful...
  • calhooner
    They are durable as well. My wife has the 'new' one but I'm still wearing the model from 2 years ago. Using these types of devices are addictive in a good way.
  • GatorUA
    GatorUA Posts: 38 Member
    I have a fitbit "one" and I can't speak about the other products. I love it. It easily clips into anything I'm wearing. I have a friend that has the bracelet version of the fitbit and loves it too, but I don't always want something hanging on my wrist. I like the fact that it synchs up seamlessly with MFP and does so wirelessly from my computer. They have a good bunch of forums as well and it's going to always be free for as long as you don't lose your fitbit. lol
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I have a fitbit one and love it. I guess the only con I know of is that I couldn't wear it swimming.
  • dempseymom4
    dempseymom4 Posts: 35 Member
    I have the BodyMedia and agree that it is big and bulky but I do love it. It is able to sink with my iphone on a pretty constant basis (I think it has improved Shannon :) ) and I only sync it with my computer about once everyother week because it automatically syncs with my bluetooth on my phone when I tell it to. I like that the food goes from Myfitness pal to bodymedia because it is easier to load here. Also, I like that it tracks my sleep patterns as well as gives me types on what I need to add but I haven't tried the fitbit so I might love it too. I use both my BodyMedia and my Polar Watch and usually average out the calorie burn.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I love my BodyMedia FIT, it has more sensors and is way more accurate for me than the Fitbit. I don't mind it showing, I would rather my activity tracker showing (plus you can buy straps and decals to match), than being fat. :laugh:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I had a fitbit. I now have a bodymedia. While they are similar devices they are not the same, so it really is about what you want.

    Fitbit tracks steps and gives a calorie estimate based on that. If that's all you want it for, then carry on.

    The Bodymedia tracks steps and activity independent of steps.This is, for me, a better option because most of my dedicated work outs pertain to weight lifting, something my fitbit didn't track. The BMF does track it (Which is to say it gives me calories/moves up my activity level even though my steps don't go up). To me that's pretty damn valuable.

    To you it may not be.

    I have the link, which is the 'big model' but it's actually not that big and doesn't bug me at all. /shrug/ I suppose some people are self conscious about wearing it, but I can't imagine why. I proudly showed off my fitbit and I proudly show this; I take an active interest in my health and activity and that's what these things represent to me. Not a bit of shame or embarrassment is felt.
  • smithem65
    I purchased the Fitbit about two months ago and I really love it. However, I will manually input my exercise into MFP and the Fitbit will adjust the calorie burn if needed. It's great with the IPhone and I receive a weekly summary from Fitbit, ie total calories burned, steps walked. I find that it also inspires me to move more. For me it was a great purchase.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    It seems like Shannon has given you a ton of good information on both.

    I am a fan of the Bodymedia Fit. yes, it's ugly so I don't wear it when I go out if I'm wearing sleevless tops. I also don't track my food those nights and have gotten a solid workout in in the morning.

    However, other than that I'm not bothered by it. I'm at work to work and don't work face to face with anyone externally so I don't need to look a certain way. I also normally wear longsleeves in the office since it's always freezing. I don't care how it lokos anywhere else.

    It does give great data. I love the format it provides. I love the interface.

    I had problems with it syncing one time and their customer support was great.

    My mom has a fitbit and it seems to drastically overstate her step count. But this is the only person I've seen/heard this from. I have heard if you do something like biking it might give funny counts as you wear it on your wrist but I do NOT have first hand experience with this. Maybe someone else will chime in. i do know it looks a lot nicer :)

    I will always stand by the BodyMedia fit though. I think it provides very accurate, useful data and I love it.
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I have a slightly different opinion.

    FitBit One - nice, easily concealable - tuck away in your bra and forget about it. Easy to read display, however to me it is more like a pedometer in terms of accuracy. Sleep tracking is practically worthless as far as I am concerned with the Fitbit. Good if you need the look at the screen and be motivated to workout ...

    BodyMedia armband - bigger, bulky, not water proof. No visible display - got to sync it with your phone or the computer etc...However I LOVE it! I lost over 80 pounds using it to track what I ate and burn. I matches more closely with my HRM

    For me when I wore both devices to see which one I liked better, the bodymedia band won hands down. I like the screen, the reports etc.. I think a lot of it is preference - I don't care of anyone sees the band or asks me about it, better than reaching in my blouse 10 times a day to see what I am!
  • aplhabetacheesecake
    aplhabetacheesecake Posts: 181 Member
    I have never tried the body media
    I had the fitbit one- I lost it, and then got the force- its been voluntarily recalled, but I have no issues with mine so I am keeping it- the recall was because some people have a skin sensitivity to it- not me, and my skin is super sensitive!

    I am a step and cardio junkie, I love the fitbit for tracking that since I find runkeeper over estimates my calories burned when running.

    I am new to weights and strength training, but I figure whatever calories I am burning through those activities are bonus, I dont log them, and I really dont care to see what I burned. It just adds to the calorie deficit that day :)

    I love the sleep tracker option- I am a sleep walker and I like to see how aweful my nights are in comparison to my stress levels, blood sugars, ect.

    I enjoy the syncing and reminders like at 5pm "keep going!! you only have 1,244 steps to reach your goal" and so on- its not unusual to see me pacing in the bedroom just to get those last few steps in!!

    I wear it on my dominant wrist and there are some issues-
    When baking and mixing-it counts false steps, not many, but still- it vibrates telling me i have reaching my step goal and i am standing still stiring mashed potatoes lol

    It doent have an option to pop out of the wrist band and be worn more discretely like the fitbit one- you can clearly make out the shape in the bracelet of the force that its really just a supped up fitbit one in a strap, but id like the options of popping it out once in a while to wear it with a fancier outfit
  • sunitar292
    sunitar292 Posts: 77 Member
    :happy: Everyone on MFP is so helpful...I love it!!..Thank you everyone for your input
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    I love my fitbit one. I have been blessed to have never lost it. I actually LIKE the small size and I wear it on my bra under ANYTHING and it doesn't show. It really is just a part of my wardrobe. When I leave the house in the morning I do a "specticles, testicles, wallet and watch" check only "fitbit, fone, frames" (fitbit, phone, glasses) I have owned the fitbit since April 2012, left it at home exactly TWICE and felt lost without it!

    I like that it synchs with MFP. I don't pay much attention to the website because I get what I need on MFP and from the device iteself. (though I do check in to encourage friends periodically) I liked it's original interface better than the "tile" thing they have now, but I can see it's benefits for those that aren't as resistant to change as I am. Grin.

    As an ODD benefit, it "tracks" your sleep and because I use this feature I was able to figure out that I have been sleepwalking again. (not often, but good to know)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I have the link, which is the 'big model' but it's actually not that big and doesn't bug me at all. /shrug/ I suppose some people are self conscious about wearing it, but I can't imagine why. I proudly showed off my fitbit and I proudly show this; I take an active interest in my health and activity and that's what these things represent to me. Not a bit of shame or embarrassment is felt.

    Because I don't want a device that shows under literally every piece of clothing I own, I'm self-conscious, ashamed and embarrassed of my active interest in health and activity?

    No. I don't think so. When I'm in trial (I'm an attorney), I don't want a big armband showing under my jacket. I go through metal detectors almost every day for work, and the fitbit is extremely easy to take off so I can walk through security; the bodymedia was a pain in the *kitten* to remove several times a day (sidenote: I also choose jewelry that doesn't set off metal detectors). When I'm wearing a strapless dress to a wedding, I'd prefer to accessorize with something other than a fitness device. When I take pictures with my family while we're out hiking in tank tops, I don't want the armband on. I'm not self-conscious about it, I just think it looks stupid and it's highly inconvenient for my active, healthy, professional lifestyle.

    So if you "can't imagine why" some people might choose a smaller device with more flexibility in where it can be worn, maybe this will help.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    Oh, and I checked it out AND body media before purchasing...went with fitbit for the FREE website stuff and the fact that body media wasn't going to be any good without paying for the web access. (no info on the device itself.)

    Side note, I have been known to put it in a ziplock back and still attach it to my bra for outings to Six Flags where I KNOW i'm going to get wet. works great but I DO wish they would make it truly water proof!!!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Side note, I have been known to put it in a ziplock back and still attach it to my bra for outings to Six Flags where I KNOW i'm going to get wet. works great but I DO wish they would make it truly water proof!!!

    That is kind of ingenious.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I have the link, which is the 'big model' but it's actually not that big and doesn't bug me at all. /shrug/ I suppose some people are self conscious about wearing it, but I can't imagine why. I proudly showed off my fitbit and I proudly show this; I take an active interest in my health and activity and that's what these things represent to me. Not a bit of shame or embarrassment is felt.

    Because I don't want a device that shows under literally every piece of clothing I own, I'm self-conscious, ashamed and embarrassed of my active interest in health and activity?

    No. I don't think so. When I'm in trial (I'm an attorney), I don't want a big armband showing under my jacket. I go through metal detectors almost every day for work, and the fitbit is extremely easy to take off so I can walk through security; the bodymedia was a pain in the *kitten* to remove several times a day (sidenote: I also choose jewelry that doesn't set off metal detectors). When I'm wearing a strapless dress to a wedding, I'd prefer to accessorize with something other than a fitness device. When I take pictures with my family while we're out hiking in tank tops, I don't want the armband on. I'm not self-conscious about it, I just think it looks stupid and it's highly inconvenient for my active, healthy, professional lifestyle.

    So if you "can't imagine why" some people might choose a smaller device with more flexibility in where it can be worn, maybe this will help.

    Wow. Just because we're in the same thread doesn't mean I'm talking about you. The size of the BMF is a common complaint and is often followed up with "I don't like having something visible/having other people asking about it."; if you take a few minutes to check out the negative reviews on it that's is, 75% of the time, the exact reasoning. My statement was a general one, pertaining to device and people's issues at large. If it'd been a remark about you (Not that you're even the only one who said they don't like to have it visible in this thread, which you weren't, you're just the only one to assume that makes it about you.) I would have addressed you.

    You know, like I'm doing now.

    Conclusion: Me think you doth protest too much. Though, I would contend that the bits about not wanting in pictures/not wanting it showing when you wear strapless dresses isn't the best way to go about telling me I'm wrong.