Hi everyone , i just started using MFP today and I've been very confused about eating "healthy "
I've tried many diets before and nothing worked , I've read a lot around here and want to try to do it the right way now , but i don't know how !
Please help me
I need examples of a day's menu , what do you guys usually eat throughout the day ?
Thanks everyone !


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member

    The most successful people long term eat whatever they used to eat, but in smaller portions. Trying to restrict or eliminate certain food types or groups rarely works.

    Aim to meet you protein, fat, fibre and carb goals by eating foods you enjoy.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    it's all about portion control - I eat what I want to eat, I just don't eat a large bag of Doritos for lunch any more. I still eat chips, I eat chocolate almost every day, I eat fried foods sometimes (but not every day), etc.

    calling some foods good and some foods bad and denying yourself access to the 'bad' foods (in my experience) will lead to a binge on those foods and derail your progress.

    the best rule for me is all things in moderation
  • BadKittie05
    BadKittie05 Posts: 157 Member

    The most successful people long term eat whatever they used to eat, but in smaller portions. Trying to restrict or eliminate certain food types or groups rarely works.

    Aim to meet you protein, fat, fibre and carb goals by eating foods you enjoy.

    This!! The only thing that I do differently is I don't really eat much fast food, and I try to not snack all the time. I have a munching problem, but by being conscious of needing to log everything and how many calories are in each little thing that I have an urge to eat, I tend to have the will power to avoid unnecessary muching :smile:
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    Everyone will define "healthy" in different ways.
    I eat eggs and toast for breakfast lunch & dinner meat,veggie,carb...banana,almonds,jerky for snacks.
    For lunch my favorite is pasta,pesto/basil sauce,and tiny cooked shrimp.
    My favorite dinner is big salad,top sirloin steak,and mashed potato's.
    Just stray from fast foods too often is what I do or have subway.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I eat everything I've always eaten just less of it. You can check my diary you'll see vegetables, meats, pizza, yesterday was lots of fried delicious food and lots of ice cream.

    Don't make it more difficult.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    My diary is open feel free to check it.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member

    The most successful people long term eat whatever they used to eat, but in smaller portions. Trying to restrict or eliminate certain food types or groups rarely works.

    Aim to meet you protein, fat, fibre and carb goals by eating foods you enjoy.

    YES!!! All of this!!! use a scale to weigh everything that goes into your mouth. Log it, be honest, eat what you want. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet with an end date. If you can not give up ice cream forever, work it into your calories and macros. so you don't binge.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    A lot of being successful here is just finding out what works for you. Try things. Spend the first week or so just recording what you eat. Don't get hung up on eating this or that. Just record it. Then start cutting it down to a reasonable number. Reasonable for you. If you're starving all the time or weak just miserable, that's too little. So eat a bit more.

    When are you particularly hungry? In the morning? At night? Try different patterns. Some people do the best if they eat a hearty breakfast, get ahead of the hunger, and then eat smaller meals for lunch and dinner. Some people, like me, like to eat all day, lots of 200-300 calorie meals. Some like their 3 meals a day. Some would rather not eat until at least noon. Some find it works best for them not to eat after dinner. They closed the kitchen. None of these are wrong, unless they cause you to eat more than you should. If you skip breakfast, think about food all morning, and then come charging into lunch eating everything in sight, I'd not do that any more, eat breakfast, or at least eat a small amount mid-morning.

    Drink water, eat a small portion, wait 15 minutes. Still hungry? Eat more, wait. etc. For many people, protein helps them feel full longer. Try it.

    Exercise. Don't be ridiculous about it. 3 hours of cardio every day when you did none prior to join MFP is not a good idea. Increase your exercise to a reasonable amount for you.

    Read the "sticky" posts at the top of the forums.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    For breakfast I cook a slice or two of bacon, an egg (thinking of switching to egg-whites so I can have more) and put them on a bun with ketchup. If I butter the bun and have a cup of coffee this puts me at 320 for that meal. I mess around with different carbs (tortilla shells, toast) and I'm hoping to add more fresh veggies, but that is what I usually do.

    For lunch, I usually do a soup-and-a-sandwich deal, today I put frozen chicken nuggets in a wrap with sweet chilli sauce and lettuce and it was amazing. I had that with a 1/2 can of soup and it was around 500 calories (way too much sodium though). Mainly I'll do a ham sandwich or 1tbsp of peanut butter on my sandwich.

    Supper - I'll eat anything. We do tacos, sloppy joes, pasta night, stir fries, curries, stews. I just stopped eating them in whatever quantity I wanted, and started portioning them out properly (like an above poster said).

    I keep those around/under 1600 cals and then exercise for snacking privileges.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I basically try to follow the advice on here. I eat this way whether I'm trying to lose weight or not. I like to eat for health and weight control is just one factor of health.

  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    For me it's about "spending" my calories wisely. I am on a budget everyday. What do I want for my money everyday. waste it on junk or eat food that has more value. I splurge once in a while but eating chips and cookies all the time is a waste for me. I am trying to watch my sugar intake somewhat so I don't do alot of desserts. If I do have a sweet it better be very good ie.good cheesecake! I earn more "allowance from exercising so I don't feel like I am starving. I go over once in a while but I don't sweat it. Read alot of labels and figure out serving size. Use a kitchen scale to weigh food if you are not sure of serving size. 4 oz of chicken is actually a good portion. It's a learning process. I try not to call it a diet. It's just smart eating to me. :bigsmile:
  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    Here is an example of a common weekday menu for me.
    Either oatmeal or 2 muffin omelets (50-80 calories each)
    Coffee with milk, sometimes a tbsp. half and half


    Smaller portion of leftovers from dinner or salad with chicken, lots of veggies and balsamic vinaigrette (the kind I use is 15 calories for 2 tbsp)
    1 piece of fruit
    Lunches typically come in around 500 calories

    Afternoon Snack:

    Yogurt! Usually greek with fruit on the bottom, range from 100-130calories
    If I am still hungry or know dinner will be later I'll have some more fruit or veggies.


    Typically protein with lots of steamed veggies.
    About 2-3 dinners a week incorporate carbs (potatoes, pasta, rice). Last night I had salmon, steamed broccoli, and a small portion of mashed potatoes. The calorie count came in around 550. I try to keep dinners around 500-600 calories.

    Evening Snack:

    I usually have enough calories left for an evening snack. Typical snacks include splitting 1/4 cup popcorn kernels, air popped with my boyfriend. 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt (about 100 calories). Special K chips (110 cals for 27 chips). Frozen fruit. Greek yogurt popsicles that I make (about 70 calories each)

    I am most successful when I cook everything at home. I go out to eat on the weekend and find it to be a struggle. I am hoping the longer I do this, the easier it will become to manage.
  • peppermanl2k
    peppermanl2k Posts: 2 Member
    I just recently started here as well, and I'm doing the Personal Trainer Food Lunch/Dinner plan following Wheat Belly guidelines and breakfasting on scrambled eggs with bacon bits and a Wheat Belly Apple Spice muffin with coffee in the mornings.
  • GatorUA
    GatorUA Posts: 38 Member
    I eat vegan, but it's very possible to be a fat vegan! I'm proof. Now, I have cut out fats and oils, and bakery type stuff as much as possible, and I'm being so much better about sticking to cooking at home and eating a lot of fresh fruits and veggies so I'm losing steadily. I feel great, and I have no problem sticking under my calories, in fact, there are plenty of days when it's bedtime and I haven't eaten all of my calories but I'm not hungry. I can eat a lot of food for just a few calories when cutting out the fats and oils, not to mention being sure that there are no hidden animal foods (all fatty) in there.

    I'm not intending to start a flame war or disagreement about being vegan, just saying what works for me.
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    My "go-to's" for breakfast are either a homemade egg mcmuffin (yes, homemade) =] or a fruit and yogurt parfait.
    Lunch is either a salad or a small turkey sandwich. But I like to switch it up.
    Dinner is whatever i'm in the mood for. I'm fortunate to have my favorite grocery store just seconds away from our house, so after I get off work I just decide what I want for dinner.

    I find that I am most successful when I take a food that is normally high in fat and calories, and try to transform it into something healthy. Whether that means using less butter, using egg beaters, etc, I try to "indulge" in the foods I love, but still feel full. My favorite is the Egg McMuffin though. =]
  • MrsRatfire
    MrsRatfire Posts: 102
    Breakfast: 2 scrambled Eggs-scrambled with whole milk (2 tablespoons per egg)
    1/2 of a Gluten Free Bagel- lightly toasted
    Green Beans- fresh no butter
    Coffee- With a lot of Almond Milk- Almond MIlk Plain, Unsweetened

    Roasted Chicken Breast- skin removed- 4 ounces (leftovers from dinner yesterday)
    Teaspoon of BBQ Sauce
    3 Ounces Boiled red skin potato- about 1/3 of a teaspoon butter
    1/2 of an English Cucumber -
    1/2 of a very large red pepper
    Teaspoon of Ken's Steakhouse Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinegarette

    Dinner (have not done yet)

    But let me illuminate a bit. This is day 15 for me. Week one, I set my calorie intake to lose one pound a week. I was over everyday except ONE. I made my mind up to log in, every thing, no matter if it was up, down, sideways- NO punishments! No Diet! The following week, I tightened up a bit. I hit on or near to on several days and my OVER days were not as heavy, except for one. Sunday comes- day 14. I am tracking meticulously. I woke up and decreased my eating without missing a step, I do not care, I do not have cravings, I do not feel like I am on a diet. So- I used way less butter today, I started the gluten free bread again instead of regular, I am making an effort to include vegetables on every meal - even breakfast. (I love them, so it is fine with me) I used less and less butter on them until today- where it became close to non-existent.

    I let it happen. And it did. Log everything you eat. I went to my Food Diary category page and added, Before Bed and Overnight Eating. If I wake up and eat and it is before midnight- it goes on the day. After midnight- the next day. I have a medical disorder that prohibits the overnight fast.

    I started using Whey Protein Isolate - NOW BRand- for my night snack, or before bed, sometimes a meal substitute. I buy frozen fruit in bags. I put a cup or so in blender cup in frig to partially thaw before use. I usually add about a cup of fruit, scoop of whey, water as needed to blend- ice if it is not cold enough. I either put 3 tablespoons of Chia Seeds in the shake or swallow them alone at sometime of another. I was shocked on how much the Protein Shakes and Chia Seeds fill me up and give me MUCH more energy. Yes, I entered them. And if I went over, who cares. On day 14- I had reduced myself to a diet- with NO PAIN.

    Just track. You will learn SO much. Always be honest. The system will give you a carb count, a protein count, a fat count ect. depending on the calories you set. I would not follow another persons diet either- just record for week one and see where you are. It may not take you two weeks for you to get into a plan, it did me. But I have never been so at ease with a diet. I do not feel deprived. I am happy with my food. I am no longer clock watching for the next meal. Start today, log all of your food. NO self criticizing! This is an experiment to find your groove and identify places for change. Gradual change. If I could do it all over again, I would not change a thing. This is the first time in my life I have been on a diet that was not "weird", difficult, labor intensive. I am not climbing the walls. I highly recommend you start with tracking and blossom to your diet groove!
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    I've leaned to substitute some healthier things in place of "empty" calories from chips and such. For breakfast, usually a slice of bacon, a scrambled egg (sometimes with cheese, ham, or bacon bits) and some berries. Lunch is generally a salad, a sandwich, maybe some yogurt and a piece of fruit. Dinner varies. I also try to have two snacks, one each between breakfast and lunch and the other between lunch and dinner. As others have said, don't eliminate everything, but you might want to consider the higher calorie "bad" foods more as a special treat on occasion instead of a daily thing. Everything in moderation. Good luck!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Nothing special here. Just eating in moderation hitting my macros. My diary is open though ;)
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member


    In moderation. But I do moderate my moderation from time to time!

    My Diary is open.

    ETA. Whimsy!
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    Oh, and one more thing: I find that if I drink 8 oz (1 cup) of water every HOUR while i'm at work i'm not very hungry at all. Sometimes it gets busy and it's hard to keep track, but I have a 16 oz cup with a straw at my desk, and I keep an eye on the time. If i've been at work for 2 hours and I haven't gone to refill my water yet, I chug. =]

    Lots of people on MFP will tell you to "drink more water drink more water". TRUST them. You'll thank them later.