

  • Cheri0830
    Cheri0830 Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to look at my Diary it's open to view, I personally like to eat balanced meals,
    At each meal, Don't always do a veggie for Breakfast, but if your at home it is easy to slide a veggie into your eggs or on the side, you will be surprised at how much more you are satisfied when you eat balanced, and by having fruit or yogurt it satisfies your sweet tooth (if you have one) Nuts are a good way to get a healthy snack in. You really have to experiment at what works for you, but I grew up with a nutrionalist's that taught us to eat balance meals (think of the food pyarmid)
    Cheri :wink:
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member

    Mondays are Meatless Mondays for me....so usually I end up making some type of cheesy pasta dish with salad.
    Tuesdays are Around the World days...so whatever I feel is fun and from a different culture....usually ends up Mexican lol.
    Wednesdays are Casserole/Crockpot days...could be pulled pork sandwiches, chili, stew, pot roast.
    Thursdays are for fish.
    Fridays are homemade pizza days...and no I don't use the cauliflower stuff. I use the Pioneer Women's recipe because it is yummy and actually not that bad on calories.
    Saturdays are grilling...so could be fish again, or steaks, or hamburgers.
    Sundays are soup and sandwich days...and I try to keep to the season with this.

    Lunches range from turkey sandwiches, to left overs, to microwave dinners. But if I do a frozen dinner I go for the pricier versions in the organic aisle...they just taste better to me.

    Snacks range from fruits, to vegetables, to cookies, to cake, to ice cream...whatever I can fit in for that day.

    You can do this and eat whatever you want. Just look for lighter versions of things or mold it into a rounded meal. For example, my household gets Dominos pizza all the time...that can kill your efforts if you aren't careful. But take 2 slices and add a salad and some fruit for dessert and you can keep the meal well with in your limits.
  • gohun9008
    2 lemon chicken thighs for me tonight 1 cup low sodium chicken rice a roni n 2 cups of green beans =)
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Anything I want.
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    Smaller portion sizes. By logging my intake has made me choose healthier options.
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    All the food. Feel free to look at my diary. I've been slacking with logging lately but basically I eat what I want in moderation. Except when I don't. But I don't ever stress out about it. It's not a race :)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    The most successful people long term eat whatever they used to eat, but in smaller portions. Trying to restrict or eliminate certain food types or groups rarely works.

    Aim to meet you protein, fat, fibre and carb goals by eating foods you enjoy.


    And here's some helpful info.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Gluten free (celiac) and hopefully not more than I burn off!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Tacos and sausage. :bigsmile:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    today i had a chicken cutlet sandwich on a whole wheat roll, with mayo and cheese. i had a banana, and a yogurt. i also had a snickers for breakfast.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Eat what you normally eat. But hit your calorie and macro goals. There are no special 'healthy' foods and no special 'unhealthy' foods. Everything in moderation.
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member

    The most successful people long term eat whatever they used to eat, but in smaller portions. Trying to restrict or eliminate certain food types or groups rarely works.

    Aim to meet you protein, fat, fibre and carb goals by eating foods you enjoy.

    ^^^ great advice. The only thing I do differently is I cut out soda and all day snacking. And I use portion control. Also added in exercise and I drink A LOT of water. Good luck!
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    This! And welcome to MFP :-)
    it's all about portion control - I eat what I want to eat, I just don't eat a large bag of Doritos for lunch any more. I still eat chips, I eat chocolate almost every day, I eat fried foods sometimes (but not every day), etc.

    calling some foods good and some foods bad and denying yourself access to the 'bad' foods (in my experience) will lead to a binge on those foods and derail your progress.

    the best rule for me is all things in moderation
  • carouseleyes
    carouseleyes Posts: 1 Member
    I have a shake every morning for breakfast. One scoop of vanilla protein powder (25g of protein), almond milk, banana, strawberries, and 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds. It will fill you up through lunch and it definitely sets my energy/hunger levels for the day. Piece of fruit around 11. Small lunch around 12:30 - usually leftovers from dinner and a small snack (rice cakes for me). Dinner I try a make a lean meat or fish and some veggies. I love to cook so I enjoy trying to make things as flavorful as possible. I love skinnytaste's blog for recipes.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    My diary is public if you want to look at it.

    Basically my goal is to try and work on establishing long-term habits of eating foods I enjoy but in PROPER serving sizes.

    I haven't "given up" any foods because in the long run that will make the "forbidden" food seem more attractive and entice me to binge on it.

    There are foods that I've changed how I approach:

    1) An easy way to eliminate calories for me was to lower the calories I picked up in liquids. I have all but phased out regular soda except very rare occasions. I still allow myself the occasional Coke Zero or Sunkist 10 or A&W 10 when I really want carbonation but most of my drinks these days are flavored water.
    2) I avoid eating out as often as I once did since restaurant fare TENDS to be higher in calories and oversized in portion.
    3) When I *do* eat out, I am more aware of portion sizes and am more likely (most of the time) to purpose to bring some of it home in a doggie bag and skip the appetizers.
    4) If I know a more calorie heavy meal is coming, I "budget" for it by being stingier on the meals earlier in the day....focusing on eating more vegetables since they typically have a lower calorie score and the fiber is filling. Then I can "bank" the calories I didn't use for breakfast and lunch into my Chinese/Mexican/steak/pizza dinner.
    5) I am not good with moderation with ice cream. I try not to have it in the house. I still eat it...but now it's a special occasion trip to the ice cream shoppe for a single-dip cone...instead of a pint of Ben and Jerry's that I invariably eat in one sitting.
    6)EDITED TO ADD: I don't spazz out if I go over on calories 1 day (or even 2) in a week. Weight loss will NOT necessarily be linear, some weeks I might just decide I really WANT a certain meal and some times I see a weight gain (two weeks ago actually). That is not a "failure"...just means I refocus next week on the long-term goal. Incidentally, my loss last week was the biggest one I've had since joining MFP in October. :wink:
    7)AND ALSO ADDING: If you put in a really good day at the gym, you "earn" extra food. Be aware the calories burned tend to be overestimated so it's a good idea to manually reduce the figure MFP spits out. Some will tell you by as much as 75%...I don't go THAT hard with it, but I do only take 2/3 of the calorie burn to make sure I don't "eat back" too many calories and lose my deficit.
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Everyone who says it's about moderation... totally agree! Don't completely cut out everything you love, just eat less of it. Try to add in more veggies and fruits. Say you're having spaghetti for dinner... I like to add carrots to my spaghetti sauce! Instead of having a bagel with cream cheese I have half a bagel with a tablespoon of lowfat cream cheese. For dinner instead of having chicken and potatoes I have chicken, a little bit of potatoes, and a whole lotta some veggie. Add in healthier things and decrease your portion of the unhealthy things. This is the only thing that has ever worked for me in changing my diet. When I came to the realization that this is a lifestyle change that I am going to stick to forever, I realized that I could not deny myself things I wanted... of course I do things sometimes, but I am constantly working on making foods I love healthier. I also try to exercise more when I make food choices that are less than great.

    Feel free to add me and look at my diary :)
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I eat everything but wheat, rice and potato products. I need my food be optimized in protein and fiber and reasonable in calories. Wheat, rice and potatoes have too many calories for their nutrition. They are also trigger foods for me. I know most people promote moderation. For some of us some foods are best avoided. We never recommend moderation to a 2 pack smoker, or alcoholic. If I don't eat my trigger foods I don't even think about food. I transform into a person who eats normally and never binges. I have spoken to many obese people who have lost successfully for the long term. (Notice I said obese, not overweight). The vast majority let go of their binge foods, they did not moderate them. Maybe in 5 years my response to those items will change. But I have a 34 yr track record of being unable to portion control them. I no longer medicate or reward with food. I do use a few tbsp of wheat flour, rice starch or potato starch in recipes when I have no reasonable substitute and this causes no problem. But a croissant, hash browns or fried brown rice just lead to a binge or having to suffer 2 days of cravings. Other than that I eat all other foods. There are so many types of beans and the availability of non wheat flours is stunning. I make flat breads, crackers, crepes, bean flour breads. I eat very little processed food-which isn't hard since most of them are predominantly wheat, potato and rice based!! I do not vilify wheat, rice and potato. They just don't work for me.
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    You've had so many great replies! I belong to 2014 Open Diary Group. It's under Community then Groups. Good Luck to you in finding what's right for you.

    My diaries open.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Typical breakfast:
    Cereal & milk
    Greek yogurt, cheese stick, apple or banana
    Eggs & toast

    Typical lunch:
    9" pita with grilled chicken, raw veggies, tzatziki sauce
    Soup & Sandwich
    Omelette & toast

    Typical dinner:
    Some type of meat (beef, chicken, pork, fish, whatever), side dish (potatoes, rice, sweet potato, whatever), Vegetable or salad.

    Ice Cream