Disillisioned Co-Worker Rant

ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
My coworker is the same age as me and overweight with PCOS. She has very, very poor childish eating habits. She doesn't eat any veggies, ever. She eats out 2-3 meals a day and these meals consist of burgers, fries, pizza, fried chicken, etc every time. Her pallet is very limited, and when she cooks at home it is a plain piece of chicken and some potatoes. She's also a heavy soday drinker. None of these habits have been combated with regular exercise until recently. "Recently" would be the past three weeks. She hasn't seen any major weight loss and her cholesterol is high and so is her blood sugar. So she went to the doctor today to get her thyroid tested because she was certain that must be the answer, not that she hasn't changed anything other than according to her adding a morning Zumba class. When she went to the doctor, he told her that her thyroid is fine and that her eating habits were poor and she didn't get enough exercise to combat it. Not what she wanted to here. She stormed into my office in tears today saying her whole day was ruined because of this and she doesn't want to hear it from a fat doctor and doctors always tell her the same **** and they are wrong. Can you imagine the things that swirled around my head? I absolutely refrained from telling her everything I have learned on MFP, and just said I'm sorry to hear that I know it is frustrating. But it really does irk me that she could be so blind to basic health and nutrition practices and is so certain her physical situation isn't her fault.


  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Exactly why I refrained from giving her ANY advice and just sympathized instead. I knew that battle could not be won. I just have this feeling that unfortunately, something else is always going to be the excuse for her. It will never be her, it will always be her special snowflake syndrome. Worst part is, I'd love to share some wisdom and invite her to do some exercise things with me- it could be a good time! But she would fight me tooth and nail and I don't have time for that!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    anyone on my FL knows i have complaints about one of my co-workers and his proclamation that he wants to lose weight, but his lack of motivation to learn about how to go about it. he'll eat a salad for 3-4 days then give up. and start over a week or so later. and he doesn't exercise at all on top of that.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Some people cling to excuses like a life raft. Anything so they don't have to face the cold truth, they are the problem.

    So it's her thyroid. Or PCOS. Or she doesn't have time. Or sugar. Toxinz. Etc.

    When she's ready to drop the excuses she can try things the right way. Until then nothing is going to change.

    And as frustrating as it may be for you to listen to, at least be thankful that you aren't her.


    OP, you are smarter than I because I probably would have given her my own little spiel and then she would still ignore it.
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    I have one of these in my workplace too *lesigh*
    anyone on my FL knows i have complaints about one of my co-workers and his proclamation that he wants to lose weight, but his lack of motivation to learn about how to go about it. he'll eat a salad for 3-4 days then give up. and start over a week or so later. and he doesn't exercise at all on top of that.
  • GatorUA
    GatorUA Posts: 38 Member
    That's so sad. She'll probably be looking for a magic pill that will make the weight fall off next. And we all know that's not going to work any more than continuing her eating habits and not exercising would. You are brilliant because you've realized that unless she owns the cause of her weight, she's not going to look for a solution that is within herself.
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I've got one of those here as well. She's always looking for that magic pill or quick fix. Her famous line is "I really need to do something". It can be exhausting.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    just giver her the MFP website and tell her to read up.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    This clip drives me crazy everytime I see it. WHY DID I WATCH IT AGAIN.

    Sorry, OP. It sucks to see someone in denial about things. The strange desire people seem to have to for a thyroid problem is mind-boggling to me.

    (ETA though: "Childish" diet is a bit harsh. People can lose weight, be thin, be fit, etc. eating hamburgers when YOU happen to see them eating, or eating veggies when they're not around you, fyi.)
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member

    oh dear god!!!

    I'm the last one of the support staff at my workplace to take lunch, so I basically always have to tell her when I'm leaving whereas I don't need to know when she is gone. She constantly asks me to bring her food. The other day, I said I was going to sonic (boy did I regret that myself, but I made it fit my calories that day, it just bogged me down though) and she had me bring her a molten lava cake fudge Sunday and said 'I did Zumba this morning so I can have that." I wanted to say but how many calories did you burn and how many calories is this and how many other calories did you eat today? Once again I didn't. I just hate hearing her compare herself to me and always be in my food business. Yes, honey, I am overweight and my biometric ratings are high as well. That's because I ate too much and didn't exercise. I didn't search for a magic explanation. My food and activity choices did it. Now, I count calories, exercise regularly, and am focused on steady weight loss and improving my biometric numbers. It's hard, but there is no other way.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    So . . . you work with someone from the MFP forums?
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member

    (ETA though: "Childish" diet is a bit harsh. People can lose weight, be thin, be fit, etc. eating hamburgers when YOU happen to see them eating, or eating veggies when they're not around you, fyi.)

    That's why I made a point to say that she has no other behaviors to combat this. I understand plenty of people can be healthy and fit on this food, but is isn't the case with her, and it is having a serious effect on her diet. She is self proclaimed anti-veggie and has very serious bowel issues (she talks to me about this) because she is nutrient deficient and is in no way getting enough fiber. She also self proclaimed "eats like a five year old." That is why I bring it up. In her case, her particular diet is not providing her the nutrients/macro ratios she needs and is very limited.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    (ETA though: "Childish" diet is a bit harsh. People can lose weight, be thin, be fit, etc. eating hamburgers when YOU happen to see them eating, or eating veggies when they're not around you, fyi.)

    That's why I made a point to say that she has no other behaviors to combat this. I understand plenty of people can be healthy and fit on this food, but is isn't the case with her, and it is having a serious effect on her diet. She is self proclaimed anti-veggie and has very serious bowel issues (she talks to me about this) because she is nutrient deficient and is in no way getting enough fiber. She also self proclaimed "eats like a five year old." That is why I bring it up. In her case, her particular diet is not providing her the nutrients/macro ratios she needs and is very limited.

    If I didn't know that a certain person didn't have a job, I would swear I know your coworker...
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    So . . . you work with someone from the MFP forums?

    Exactly what I feel like. The Illinois Marathon is coming up and they advertise with our office. We get a discount rate to sign up because of this. I cannot do a timed marathon right now, but I did sign up for an untimed color run to try something new. She made a big hullabaloo about doing the marathon all around the office then the other day said " Well I'm just not doing it now because no one else is." I invited her to do the cheaper untimed color run with me, and she totally ignored me. I guess it just wasn't the type of praise she was looking for.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    This was amazing. I want more.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Sounds like she is seeking attention as much as anything and wearing the immaturity badge like a prize.

    I also wonder why you would worry about it. If she continues to bug you about things - ask her what she plans to do about it. She's not looking for a solution - she's looking for attention and an easy way. Offering her solutions won't help. But I would direct her to her own solutions - as in... "that's interesting. What do you think would help that?" If her plan is stupid - well, so be it. Lots of folks on planet earth are idiots. I can't fix them and I can't argue with them.

    I might, if her attitude was right, encourage her to choose some small change to make and try to maintain. I do that with people that want advice but aren't ready for major change. It has to be her choice though and it has to be easily doable so she can just find a starting place. She is going all out, full throttle, in all the wrong directions and then refusing to take any responsibility. The answer could be to change that habit. But what she changes - MUST be her decision. You aren't her health police. You can help her make a decision to choose something, but you can't pick what it is. I would just do that and then ask her, infrequently, if it's going well.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Posting so I can go to that link and hear the whole thing.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    That would also drive me nuts if she was comparing herself to me. I've had that happen before too, women around the same size as me usually wanted to commiserate about weight issues. It never ends well.

    Always quite awkward. Even when I was the one in "better shape" (for example not diabetic or on blood pressure meds) despite being more overweight than they were, and they would get "angry" because of that...ugh.

    Maybe you could try talking about other topics with her instead? Constantly changing the subject? I know, I know...much easier said than done with someone like that.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I like that idea - keep changing the subject - you could repel her by always interrupting her to discuss actual - gasp - work things!