

  • Try to add more protein. I usually have 2 strips of turkey bacon with my Kashi cereal. However, I've been told to try to eat every 3 hours to keep my body fueled. Usually I'll have a fruit and protein snack between each of my meals and try not to have anything after dinner.
  • Try to balance your meals more. When I first started I worked with a personal trainer. I was told to eat 1700 calories per day. 400 at each meal, 200 for morning and afternoon snack and the other 100 where ever it may fall. I found that it works. Also by not eating enough your body thinks it's starving and starts to store…
  • I fell off for 3 months around the holidays and gained almost 20 pounds. I even work out with a trainer once every 2 weeks. He kept asking me when are you going to get back into it. I kept saying when I'm ready. A friend of mine sent me this website and I just started all over again as if it was day one. In the first 2…
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