

  • Good God that's frightening about the elephant!
  • GIRRRLLLLL FRIEND!!! You work it, you own it, you ARE it! SUCCESS! Congratulations! You set a goal and you accomplished your goal. You taught yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to. You did it, you own it -- it's yours!! An interesting microcosm of the real word, here on this virtual one. When we succeed…
  • If I am reading her essay correctly it looks like this lady had a childhood that was mostly horrible with parents that were not there for her. She started eating a lot and gained a lot of weight which of course is a visible result of overeating. Many people disapprove of her overeating and their disapproval makes her feel…
  • When faced with intimidating looks, try forming an alliance. Talk to them. Ask a question. Ask them to check your form on a deadlift. Ask them what time the place opens on Sunday. Ask them what whey they like. Dream up something just to connect with them. Doesn't have to be meaningful, intelligent, witty, or whatever. Even…