shirte Member


  • Like the others have said, the only competition should be with yourself. Focus on doing the best that YOU can do and don't worry what the person next to you is doing. You will find that it gets better each time you walk into the box. Hang in there!
  • We don't have that issue at the box I go to. If the bodies aren't hitting the floor at the end of the WOD then they are out in the back puking. I was one of the women out back puking tonight so I would say we push ourselves at our box. We also have an atmosphere of women pushing and encouraging all the other women.
  • I did a bootcamp the month before starting CrossFit (one year ago this week), and I got that exact same feeling while being last with them pointing out that I was last. It was horrifying! However during my second week of CF we did a run and there I was last again and the encouragement I received from the coaches and other…