

  • I have over 100 pounds to lose. I know how you feel, I just started on here about a week ago & I do have some good supportive friends on here already but sometimes I feel lost without someone that has as much to lose as I do. I would love to have you & anyone else that would like to add me as a friend. With the support of…
  • That sounds like a good plan. I have a short term goal as well but my overall goal is to lose the 100 pounds. Not sure if it's going to work but I'd like to lose at least 35 pounds by Christmas. I sent you an add request. :)
  • I just started dieting again 2 days ago & snacks have always been my downfall. I don't know if this will help you or not but I save a few calories each day just for snacks (I just eat less calories for meals, usually around 300 calories per meal). By doing this I am able to have watermelon, grapes, and even one of the…