Sorry I'm so late! 150. No change. :-/
Me too! I don't know where my brain goes.
back up to 150. :-/ Trying not to get discouraged. I refuse to buy new clothes.
I'm still at 149. I'm not making much progress, but for the first time this morning I woke up before work and did a little pilates. I think if I do something physical before work I'll be more likely to stick with it and feel better throughout my day. I want to have better numbers next week. Thanks for motivating me! All of…
Sorry for being so late! It was a crazy day. 149 today.
Hi All, I am still at 150. I somehow didn't move. Half full -> at least I didn't gain. This week will be better! Thanks for keeping track of this!! <3
I'm in! Current weight is 150. Thanks!