mobrien689 Member


  • Hope your surgery went well! Mine was three months ago, and I didn't find the post-op liquid or soft-food diets nearly as hard as I expected them to be.
  • A man on the elliptical runner groping his own breast implants.
  • Walking is great! Even when I'm tired, I find I always have enough energy for a walk. I can do an hour at a time on the elliptical runner, but that can feel like drudgery. When I go outside and walk I hear birds chirping and children laughing, feel the breeze on my skin, and notice that the trees are leafing out and the…
  • I felt that way once, but I have been overweight since I was six years old, and have no idea what it feels like to be appropriate weight. I also have type 2 Diabetes and wanted to get off the meds while I still had a chance of resolving it. I had the gastric bypass on a few months ago and wish I had done it sooner. I feel…
  • Being around people who laugh a lot.